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Tag Archives: activism
The Crusade of Indignation
«Words like «freedom», «justice», «democracy» are not common concepts; on the contrary, they are rare. People are not born knowing what these are. It takes enormous and, above all, individual effort to arrive at the respect for other people that these words imply.» —James Baldwin, The Crusade of Indignation (1956) Photography by MDCarchives, CC BY-SA … Continue reading
TEDxBerlin : Raul Krauthausen
→ Wheelmap → Sozialhelden → Raul Krauthausen
I want you to get up now
Posted in tube
Tagged action, activism, cyberspace, propaganda, video
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«Culture Jamming» by David Schwertgen
[at arte creative | website «Culture Jammer»]
Rosa Stacheldraht
»[…] Ein Logo macht keine Menschenrechte, ebenso wenig wie Political Correctness soziale Ungerechtigkeiten löst. Wir leben in einer politsch immer »korrekteren« Welt, und haben eine wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit wie seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr, mit den gleichen Barrieren wie eh und je – nur ist der Stacheldraht heute rosa angepinselt. Ein Logo ist insofern reine Symbolpolitik – … Continue reading
What do you see?
one source says: «Protesters stopped an army officer from shooting himself. Cairo, Egypt.» — farhaaan but … twitpic picture caption says: «احد افراد القوات المسلحة يبكي امام احد المتظاهرين بعد ان هاجمهم بلطجية مبارك لما جاء الشاب وقبل قدميه ليحميهم من البلطجية ولكنه بكى لعدم تمكنه من حمايتهم ونزل على اقدام المتظاهر وقبلها» via Google … Continue reading
How To Subvert Subversion
Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom) at TEDx // via LaughingSquid
«Death of ACTA» by Dan Bull
[direct link · via boing boing] Update: german transcript (deutsche Übersetzung) of «Death of ACTA» by Dan Bull … and in english, french (and german, too) at vasistas? About ACTA (short version)… After more than two years of negotiations largely behind closed doors and without involvement of our elected representatives or civil society groups, ACTA, … Continue reading
The Yes Men Prank & Media Slapstick Follows
«Chevron is doing what we did, a million times over, with a ginormous budget – and it never reveals its subterfuge, no wonder the media’s full of lies.» — Andy Bichlbaum, The Yes Men from: «Activists Derail Massive Chevron Ad Campaign, Spark Media Vaudeville»